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Incoming Year 7 GAT students - what to expect

Target Audience?

This information session is for parents of Year 6 students looking to enter a secondary gifted (GAT) program the following year OR Teachers who are likely to teach Year 7 gifted (GAT) classes.

Parent and teacher sessions can be run one after the other, or just choose the one that suits your needs. (Before you book please ensure that the content of this workshop is a good match to your GAT program and philosophy.)

What to expect:

Gifted students often look towards the start of secondary school with high expectations, particularly if they have been accepted into a gifted program such as GAT. Students who have been the top performer in their primary school may suddenly find that they are not the top of their secondary class, and then question whether they were ever gifted in the first place. This workshop will explore the common misconceptions gifted students and their parents may hold, and the importance of managing this transition positively. Teachers and parents can support Year 7 GAT students-to-be with a shared message about what to expect including a focus on thinking skills, understanding themselves as learners, high challenge and pace, an emphasis on abstract and complex thinking, developing resilience, and learning to manage risk-taking, perfectionism and perceived failure. This workshop will highlight the importance of shared and transparent understandings about what secondary gifted programs are and are not, with an aim to ensure students go into these programs with a high degree of resilience and realistic expectation, so that they are ultimately challenged and achieve success beyond immediate high academic performance. 


For more information please contact or call 0432 179 629.


$280 per session (in-person)

$250 per session (online)


To book a session for your school, please email